Monday, January 22, 2024

Archangel Feast Day book Index

20240123 Book supplies

Creative content of universal language communication,
...THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING, E8, mathematics & science index.

*Leather backed book, 7 stones, in a line dividing a circle that opens into a 3, 7/1/3.¢. Phi the Golden Ratio.
*Recordable sound gift card.
*Thick gold paper with depressions impression of object collage.
*arch angles impression. GPS NSEW cardinal directions compus.
*Geometry, science & mathematics stickers.
*Gold Art stickers.
*Orange ink.
*Gold leaf. Glider, self adhesive pager, & spray paint.
*Organic materials.
*Gold paper pages.
*Fold out wooden leaf dividers from back of book.
*Gears, world, universe metal stickers.
*use organic materials.
*Geometry Leonardo,  Galilao, & John Dee  7.13 math equation with universal constants values = universal language communication.
*7 Chokra frequencies.
*John Dee & me 433 yrs = 433 Hz.
*John Dee mona's hyroglyphica.
*Fatima date 7.13.
*Zodiac, Dates of birth.
*International Flag Code 11,1921.
*Music value references, Shofar blast.
*SOS, Speed of Sound. Theropy of Shock waves, SOS limit, latitudinal pressure wave, levitation standing wave, accoustic sound, etc.
*Math & science reference inserts.
*Temperature leaf interactive touchable.
*Phi, Pi, Euler's Constant, Plank, SOS, & SOL equation with 7.13.
*Fibonnoci sequence mom's DOB & me.
*SOL, Speed of Sound.
*Gravity equation. 9.800m/s = .0031088, = 360, = 321.74. = 21600 =  2159 is diameter of moon. 
*Sound & gravity equation from Morse code date, Date 2021.1119.
*Zero-G's. Antigravity, hover & levitation technology with equations.
*4 arch angles, =  4+ archangels, = 4 seasons.
*Rainbow, refraction equation.
*wood burning art.
*Math Symbols stickers,
*no reference to any Tarot cards for, 11 sun, 19, world, 21 universe but not 321 or 0 or 1 nor 7 or 13. But ok to use imagery in places of  reference "but not cards themselves." No magic,  negative folklore/mysticism. **This book is intended to be a math & science reference book in gold with my DOB.
*AF, Archangel Feast Day.
*AF, Audio Frequency range.
*3D fold outs, extra data, for maps, geometry.
*Create all 356 DOB, birthdays, & convert them into binary then add together on last page., What will it say?
*Jokes, Ask, what is next week's lottery numbers? question is the transformation of  alchemy=you into gold, your now education, self growth.
*different languages & alphabets.
*Math tables: 7.13^²=?, √7.13=?, 7.13 binary #, 7.13^³,⁴,..=?, ..etc.
*My ABCs & reference to Spasms ABCs. In other languages. My Old Tree Poetry.


...created by me!
To be updated 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Fibonacci Conjuct AFD Code

20231220 7 Fibonnoci = 5, 8, 13, = 7th position is #13... 7 & 13.

Here in this post, I use the universal language of mathematics with the archangel feast day ghost's code as proof of an ADC, After Death  Communication using  my mom's DOB & my DOB with the universal constants & Fibonnoci sequence.

July 13 is...
John Dee's DOB, 433 years ago 1527.
1917 Fatima.
Archangel Gabriel's Synesis 1900.
Mr. WM"s DOD 1955.
1,1,2,3 Fibonnoci.
11/02/33 Mom's DOB.
321 AFD Ghost's code &
1.618 Phi, Golden Ratio.
2.71828 Euler's Constant.
2.99+ SOL Speed of Light.
3.14 Pi, π.
101,000,001 Binary AFD ghost code.

Phi = Golden Ratio,
   7.13 x 1.618 = 11+.
Euler's Constant,
   7.13 x 2.71828 = 19+.
SOL, Speed of Light,
   7.13 x 2.99 = 21.
*(7.13×(2.99×10^9 m/s)×10^−9 = 21.3187.
FIBONACCI Sequence,  F5, F8, = F13... 7th position is 7th=F13.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, (5, 8, =13,) ...
F7 = 8 + 5,
F7 = 13.
FIBONACCI calculator.

Fibonnoci Formula,
= 12.98268795,
... +0.01731204 =13.

Fibonnoci F# List,
F2 = 1
F3 = 2
F4 = 3
F5 = 5
F6 = 8
F7 = 13... 7 with 13.
F8 = 21 & # 21...

*(Golden Ratio "Phi" is 1.618^⁷ = 0.0000029030172799196084808832.
= 2.90301x10^6.)

= 21.3752022554.

299792458 m/s.
299792458 x 7.13,
x 10^-6,
= 21.375+ = 21.

...Is Sept 29th Archangel Feast Day date.

How does 7 & 13, my DOB, conjuxt with the archangel feast day ghost code?

On September 29, 2013, (9+29+13=51)  Archangel Feast Day,
I saw a ghost, aka a spirit being, walk out of the girl's bathroom stall,
as a solid person,
stepped then vaporize,
That shrink down & reach out like finders from a hand as it moved past the corner of a wall east towards the sinks.
On the digital recorder,
picked up clicking sound
   -•-, •••, ••-
that in Morse code, 11+19+21=51, that converts to 101,000,001 which also converts to binary code its 321 digital equivalent.
*(51 was the age I was baptized.)

321 link March 20, 2011 the date I was baptized.

Although, 3+2+0+2+0+1+1= 9 it could also be
3+2+1+1=7, & 7 is July.
& 11/02/33  my mom's DOB is 1,1,2,3.... the beginning of the  Fibonocci's sequence.
Stopping at the 4th=#3  position then starting up at the 5th=#5 & 6th=#8 position gives the 7th position of #13.
1, 1, 2, 3 = my mom DOB by number & postion.
5, 8, 13 = my DOB in addition & position.



My mom had Post Partum Depression and had shock theropy which left her with PRS, parental refrigerator syndrome. Meaning she did not bond with me at my birth. Hence, I was ghosted throughout my life by her which parallels with the Archangel Feast Day Ghost Sighting & code using both our DOB, dates of birth, as proof, to me, as an ADC, After Death Communication.

I'm a retired communication technician, born on Archangel Gabriel's Synesis, 7+13+60=80.
...Torch the eight 90° CCW to get the infinity sign,
& you have forever & nothing, the end & beginning or as a palendrone, 80=08, the beginning and the end.

Mathematics are the universal language of this communication.
Using the archangel feast day Ghost's code 101,000,001 binary digital equivalent 321.
321 / 102 = π = 3.1470+.
2 x 3.1470+ x 321,
= 2020.411+. the 102 day of that year and PASSOVER.

Passover & my mom's PPD, Post Parted Depression are both the actions of being ghosted.

I asked God, "Prove it?"
...three classes of proof, existence argument:
the ontological, the cosmological, and the teleological.
*ONTOLOGICAL concept  existence & necessity of being.
*COSMOLOGICAL, in natural theology, is an argument which claims that the existence of God can be inferred from facts concerning causation, explanation, change, motion, contingency, dependency, or finitude with respect to the universe or some totality of objects.
*TELEOLOGICAL. Observation & existence of a designer.

Check back for updates.

Copy rights apply here in links to creditors.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Schrodinger's Box


2023/12/21 Winter Solstice.

I saw a ghost who left a message on Archangel Feast Day, 9+29+13=51. These are the Universal Constance's formulated with my DOB, date of birth.


Using the Hydrogen atom, quantum mechanics. I've found the following.

On the X, Y, & Z cardenal directions graph.
...Solution for z=azimuth.
...Hexagon is a box! A 3D cube.
...Schrodinger's Box?

Schrodinger's equation for hydrogen atom.
Salving for (Φ=Phi) Function.


The binary digital equivalent of 321 / (π=3.14+) = 1.008,
....Hydrogen atomic number on the  periodic table and 102 Nobelium. 

101,000,001 = 321.
= 3.14+ = π.

321/102= 3.1470+,
2 x {π=3.1470+} x 321,
= 2020.411+ the "102th" day of the year,  & Passover.



11= 7+1+3,

19= 7.13√7.13.

21= 7x1x3.

9+29+13=51. Archangel Feast Day.
11+19+21=51, Morse Code,

7.13 x (1.618=Φ) = 11+,
7.13 x 2.71828+ =19+,
7.13 x  2.99+ = 21+.
662.6x10^-34 / 7.13 = 9.29+.
7.13 = my DOB.
1.618 Φ Phi, Golden Ratio.
2.71828 Euler's Constant.
2.99+ SOL, Speed of Light. Aka 186282.
3.14+ = π = Pi.
1/137 = .07297 = FSC, Fine Structure Constant.
.07297 / 7.13 = 0.010234221 x 10^4,
= 102.34+
*(Decimal harmonic  x10^#.)

7.13 is My DOB 1960,
John Dees DOB 1527,
1917 Fatima,
Archangel Gabriel's Synesis
& Mr WM DOD.
Mom died 3+25+02=30,
The Announciation date.


9+29+13 = 51.
Archangel Feast Day date.

51 + 51 = 102.
51 my age of 2nd baptizm.

1/.019600713=51+. My DOB.

1,1,2,3.... = 11/02/33 Mom's DOB.
...5+8=13 where 13 is the 7th position & is my DOB 7.13.
So me and my mom's DOB are in sequence with the Fibonacci Sequence to the 7th postion, 

a Golden Ratio.

Winter Solstice, 12/21/23, today.
...4 archangels. Is archangel Gabriel!

I did it!...but I'm not done yet.

Check back for updates.

Paranormal Supernatural

Sunday, December 3, 2023

FSC Fine Structure Constant

Fine Structure Constant 1/137,


You are reading about a ghost sighting that reveiled universal language from a audible clicking noise found on my recorder archangel Michael/Feast Day, 9+29+13=51. That is  11+19+21=51  Morse/101,000,001=321 binary coded message on Archangel Feast Day 9+29+13=51, formulated with archangel Gabriel Synesis date 7.13, aka also John Dee's DOB, date of birth 7.13.1527, & mine, & the universal language of math's  constants Pi, Phi, Euler's, Planck & the FSC, Fine-Structure Constant factor in with each other.


1/137 = .007297+

(...1/137.5 Golden angle = 0.007272727,
...Or .007, a double 0-7.)

(.00727 x 7.13) x 10^³= 51.8+. & √51.8+ = 7.20.
...from 1/137.5. & 51=7.14,'s near 50.8369 = 7.13.

.007297 x 7.13 x 10^³,
...& √52 = 7.21.
Close to 7.13, 50.8369^².

.007297 ÷ 7.13,
= 0.001023740,
= .00102+ x 10^5,
= 102.3740.

1/137 = .007297,
& .007297 ÷ 11.02, =0.000662365,
X 10^6 = 662.365 Planck.

FSC equation,
(1.602711 x 10-¹⁹ C)² ÷
(4 x 3.14159+) x
(8.954 x 10^-¹² C⁷/Nm²) x
(6.626 x 10^-³⁴ Nms) x
(3x10^⁸ m/s),
= .007297+ or ...1/137.

Here is how the FSC factors with the archangel feast day Ghost's Morse &/or binary code factor to each other's values.

11,19,21 Morse code, from -•-,•••,••-,

Fine-Structure Constant times Phi is Ghost's Morse code 11.
(1÷137)×1.618 Phi ×10^3,
= 11.81021897.

Fine- Structure Constant times Euler's Constant is Ghost's Morse code 19.
(1÷137)×2.718281828 ×10^3,
= 19.84147320.

Fine- Structure Constant times Pi minus 1.9+ is 21 the Ghost's Morse code 21.
(Close enough. Or using  1.9130427545 ± 4.5913e-07 is Neutron magnetic moment in nuclear magnetons.
= 21.0182904755.)

CONCLUSION, the FSC, Fine Structure Constant,
factors with the individual Ghost's Morse code numbers 11,19, 21.

Additionally, the FSC divided by archangel Gabriel Synesis date, 7.13, is 102.
= 0.00102342215,
...x 10^² = .102+.
102 is the division of 51.
51 being the sum on the Morse code 11+19+21=51, and the date 9+29+13=51 of the ghost sighting.
(x10^# is any harmonic power to. Places these  equation in the right cardenal direction.)

Squaring 102^² is 10404 then squaring 10404^⁸ is the FSC times 10^-³⁰.
102^²= 10404,
10404^⁸ = 137278570509061218398719233294336.
or 137x10^-³⁰.
102^¹⁶ =
...or 137.278 x 10^-³⁰,
= 137.278570509061218398719233294336.
.007297 from 1/137.

The FSC divided by archangel Gabriel Synesis date 7.13 is 102+.
= 0.00102342215,
...x 10^² = .102+.

102 times Pi=π times 10^³ is the Ghost's binary digital equivalent 321.
0.00102342215 × (π=3.141592653) ×10^³,
= 321.5175539.

Using both exact answers  321.5175539 and 0.00102342215 is exactly Pi, 3.14+.
321.5175… ÷ 0.102342…×10^−3,
= 3.141592653!
..... IT'S π EXACTLY!

CONCLUSION, the FSC, Fine Structure Constant,
divided by archangel Gabriel Synesis Date provides the divisor, 102.
Using the Ghost's binary 101,000,001=321 the digital equivalent code, 321+ / 102+ is exactly Pi π.
... 321.5175…÷0.102342…×10^−3,
= 3.141592653.
While using 102 times Pi π times 10^³ is the Ghost's binary digital equivalent 321+.

FINALLY, The Ghost's Morse code & binary digital equivalent can be easily factored in equations with the FSC, Fine Structure Constant to obtain equation factors.


7.13 is archangel Gabriel Synesis, day of celebration.
.007297 Fine-Structure constant.
321 = 101,000,001 is the binary Ghost's code,
...321 like March 20, 11 my baptized date.
102 = divisor to 321 that = π = 3.141592653 exactly! Is the Morse code added up 11+19+21=51 plus the date 9+29+13=51 added together is 102.

*1 is 101, the West GPS location. 48°N,101W.
*1 is 101325 the Standard atmosphere.
*1.618 Phi,
*102 is divisor from
the Morse code added up 11+19+21=51 plus the date 9+29+13=51 added together is 102.
*1 is Deuteron-proton mass ratio 1.9990074966 ± 5.99702e-09.
*1 is 1.9130427545 ± 4.5913e-07 is Neutron magnetic moment in nuclear magnetons.
*2.72827 Euler's Constant.
*3.141592653 π exactly!
*4 is 483597671400000 +/- 1.45079e+08 the Josephson frequency-voltage quotient.
*4 is 48° North + 101 West the location of the Ghost's Morse/binary code message on Archangel Feast Day,  9+29+13=51.
*51 is the Morse code added up 11+19+21=51  also the date 9+29+13=51 added together is 102 & is the Nobel number on the Periodic Table.
*5 is Electron mass in eV, 510999.0615 ± 0.1533.
*5 is  5.2917721092(17) × 10−11.
*5 Is the electron molar mass, M  5.48579903 x 10-7 kg mol.
*662.6x10-³⁴ Planck.
*7.13 archangel Gabriel Synesis, John Dees DOB, date of birth.
*.007297 Fine Structure Constant Bohr radiation.
* 8.85×10−12 Farad/ Vacuum Electric Permittivity.
* Faraday Constant is
96485.33289 C/mol or 6.022140857×10.
0? .007297 FSC, the Fine Structure Constant. Aka Alpha.

Value of Frequently Used Physical Constants ; Coulomb constant, 14πϵ0 1 4 π ϵ 0, 9×109 9 × 10 9 N m2/C ; Faraday constant, F, 96485 C/mol ; Mass of electron, ...

Find a Constant List.


FSC, Find Structure Constant.

Magnetic field strength.

Also follow our website Ghost Hauntings Recon.

You are here at Paranormal Supernatural.

I saw a ghost who left a audible sound on my digital recorder on archangel feast day.
I was a communication technician born on Archangel Gabriel's Synesis date.
I'm trying to figure out what the message means.

Please, help me with this project.

Check back for updates.
And thanks for following us.

12/03/2023 published by Delynn Addams.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Fatima Prophacy Fulfilled

Fatima Prophacy Fulfilled in February 18, 2023.

7.13.1960 is Fatima, Miracle of the Sun, a devine message to...


& the 7.13.1960 assassination prophecy fulfilled in 2023.

Educational Sources

Fatima by Wikipedia

Fatima Newsletter

For news and educational purposes.

3/21/22 found source video posted with follow content. See link below.

1917 Russian revolution started 1st "atheist" communist state.

1917/8 Portuguese message immaculate heart of Mother Mary.
3rd of Message without her heart, errors of war would speak across the world.

3/25/1984 so the Pope fulfilled preformed the consecration heart of Mother Mary.

2000 John Paul II review 3rd final message. 

A man in a white rob on a hill like Calvert, would be killed. 

(Meaning religion man would die, death of religion & an assassinations of pope.)

1944 sister Lucia Santo, wrote, but selled, the 3rd message. Not to open til 1960.

3/13/1981 not the same as John Paul II, Pope's assassinations attempt.
...with 7/13 is one of 3 dates Mother Mary gave the Fatima messages.

1942 Pope Pius XII  intercede in WWII,

1984 Pope John Paul II renewed Russian people's to immaculate heart of Mary.

3/25/84 Sister Lucie wrote, it will be done as E M Mary said. The consideration of Russia will lead to peace.

2010 Benedict XVI also renewed consecration.

2/24/2022 Russia invaded Ukraine.
3/25/22 Pope renewed consecration. of Ukraine & Russia. *(My mom's DOD.)

2023/2/18 Bishop David O'Connell was murdered in Los Angeles. 1500 block of Janlu Avenue just before 1 p.m. Saturday.
*(Los Angeles translates to The Angels.)


Bishop David O'Connell was murdered 2.18, 7^²+13^²=218 ...x 10^-²= 2.18, February 18th.

Ukraine/Russian War & the 3rd Secret of Fatima.
*****Posted 3/21/22 by,

7.13.1960 My DOB.
...Also, Fatima, Miracle of the Sun, devine message.
Prophacy: A Religious man in white rob was assassinated on a hill, was prediction  at Fatima in 1944? by Sister Lucie.
...7.13 is the day of archangel Gabriel's Synesis & John Dee's DOB.
...7^²+13^²=218 x 10^-²
= 2.18. note: 10^-² has same numbers as 102 & is the Nobel number on the periodic table.


1. Fatima 7.13 prophacy date adds up to the 3rd message which was not to be opened until 1960. 

7^²+13^²=213...x10^-²=2.18 or February 18th.

2. The Ukraine Russian Fatima video was posted on 3.21. I was baptized 3/20/11. 321 is the binary code left by a ghost spirit on 9/29/13, Archangel Feast Day. 321/102= (π 3.1470+ x 2 x 321 = 2020.411+.)  April 11th is Passover & the 102 day of the year.

3. The Fatima message was about stopping the Ukraine Russian War.

4. The last or 3rd Fatima message was not to be opened til 1960. ...because it is about assassion of a religious man wearing a white rob on top of a hill. 

5. 7.13 is Archangel Gabriel's Synesis Day, John Dee's DOB who created the Enochian Angelic Alphabet in 1564, Mr. Miller DOD 1955, My DOB, & Fatima.

6. Pope Francis renewed consecration of Russia on March 25. 3/25 was the date my mom died but in different year.

7. Feb. 18 or 2.18 is is the sum of the Fatima 7.13 message. And in 2023 on 2.18, Pastor David O'Connell was murdered.

The date the Fatima Prophacy was reveiled July 13 adds up to the date the prophecy occured. 

July 13 adds up to 2.18.

7^²+13^² = 218.. x10^-²= 2.18.

7.13.1960 MY DOB & 2.18 IS MY SIBLINGS DOB. 

For news & educational use.

Check back for more to come.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Stilbon Wordplay John Dee Ideas

Stilbon wordplay.
John Dee's date of birth with archangel feast day, & Planck value.
*(Still on means "Shinny Ones."

An Alternative Idea.

More to come.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Lunar Eclipse Monas Hieroglyphica Alternative

20230821 JOHN DEE's July Lunar Eclipse alternative observation of his  Monas Hieroglyphica.

Although John Dee was born on a full Moon, a lunar eclipse occured on July 28, 1527 after John Dee was born on July 13, 1527 DOB. 


John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica top half is a lunar eclipse with the half circle crescent moon overlaid onto a circle sun. ( Leo constellation, a circle with S cover.)
The crab claws of  constillation Cancer. (Cancer Y constellation is the cross.)
Then the lower half with a cross of 2 L's for DANJON SCALE value at L1=1.5384 and a Simicircle, 2 half circles,  denoting twins, "2", of  the Gemini constellation, the Twins of St Elmo's Fire.
(Gemini, St Elmo's Fire, )

Lunar Eclipse Monas Hieroglyphica as letters,
C, O, LL, CC,
3, 15, 12:12, 3:3.
Or 3+15+24+6 = 48.
Or 3+15+(3.0768=1.5384+1.5384)+6, = 27.

Moon Specs.
1080 Moon radius.
2160 Diameter.
6792 Centimeter,
238,000 distance to Earth.

Lunar Eclipse Monas Hieroglyphica by the numbers,
7692 Moon diameter,
580k Sun distance between moon & Earth,
L1=1.5384 at 2 L's DANJON SCALE,
7.13 Y Cancer Constillation.
Leo above & Gemini below.

NOTE, 7692/5=1.538.4.
The 7692 diameter of the Moon divided into 5 crescent Moons equals the same value of 1 L Danjon Scale, 1.5384, is the second valve.

14.6M sqr miles Moon.
= 2,920,000 is 1/5 Crescent Moon.
L1=1.5384 Danjon Scale 2nd value.
At 580,000 miles distance SOL between  Earth to Sun.
At the time of Cancer constillation 7.13, July 13th, 1527, birth of John Dee.
FORMULA by Coordinatence:  Area, luminousity, distance & time.

Stellar Coordinate with Right Ascension & Declaration. Formula?
s(t) = a(t) · r = #.

Luminosity distance: distance obtained by comparing the observed flux (or apparent magnitude) with the emitted luminosity (or absolute magnitude): f = L/(4πdL2) or m – M = 5 log(dL/10).

In the equatorial coordinate system, the right ascension coordinates of these borders lie between 07h 55m 19.7973s and 09h 22m 35.0364s, while the declination coordinates are between 33.1415138° and 6.4700689°. Covering 506 square degrees or 0.921% of the sky, it ranks 31st of the 88 constellations in size.

Cancer constellation is viewed in March at  latitudes +90° to -60°. Cancer means 'the crab' in Latin in Greek mythology.  It's in the geometric form of an upside down 'Y'.
...Like John Dee's
"Tree of Rarity"
or the Pythagorean Y,
3 degrees at 137.5° x 2,
= 275°+85°= 360°.


2,920,000, =7962/5,
... 1.5 Crescent Moon Area.
580k Distance.
1.5384 L1 Danjon.
7.131527 July time.

.... 0 to 4, Lunar light scale. L0, L1, L2, L3, L4.
The luminosity of the Sun is 3.846 × 1026 watts,
...(or 3.846 × 1033  ergs per second).
3.847/5= 0.7692.

PENUMBRA, Partial lighter shadow of a lunar eclipse.

Crescent moon lit area.

SYZYGIA, Greek word, meaning to be yoked together or conjoined, a eclipse alignment.

NASA'S Lunar eclipse.

More to come.

by Delynn Addams.

For educational purposes.
