Sunday, December 24, 2023

Fibonacci Conjuct AFD Code

20231220 7 Fibonnoci = 5, 8, 13, = 7th position is #13... 7 & 13.

Here in this post, I use the universal language of mathematics with the archangel feast day ghost's code as proof of an ADC, After Death  Communication using  my mom's DOB & my DOB with the universal constants & Fibonnoci sequence.

July 13 is...
John Dee's DOB, 433 years ago 1527.
1917 Fatima.
Archangel Gabriel's Synesis 1900.
Mr. WM"s DOD 1955.
1,1,2,3 Fibonnoci.
11/02/33 Mom's DOB.
321 AFD Ghost's code &
1.618 Phi, Golden Ratio.
2.71828 Euler's Constant.
2.99+ SOL Speed of Light.
3.14 Pi, π.
101,000,001 Binary AFD ghost code.

Phi = Golden Ratio,
   7.13 x 1.618 = 11+.
Euler's Constant,
   7.13 x 2.71828 = 19+.
SOL, Speed of Light,
   7.13 x 2.99 = 21.
*(7.13×(2.99×10^9 m/s)×10^−9 = 21.3187.
FIBONACCI Sequence,  F5, F8, = F13... 7th position is 7th=F13.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, (5, 8, =13,) ...
F7 = 8 + 5,
F7 = 13.
FIBONACCI calculator.

Fibonnoci Formula,
= 12.98268795,
... +0.01731204 =13.

Fibonnoci F# List,
F2 = 1
F3 = 2
F4 = 3
F5 = 5
F6 = 8
F7 = 13... 7 with 13.
F8 = 21 & # 21...

*(Golden Ratio "Phi" is 1.618^⁷ = 0.0000029030172799196084808832.
= 2.90301x10^6.)

= 21.3752022554.

299792458 m/s.
299792458 x 7.13,
x 10^-6,
= 21.375+ = 21.

...Is Sept 29th Archangel Feast Day date.

How does 7 & 13, my DOB, conjuxt with the archangel feast day ghost code?

On September 29, 2013, (9+29+13=51)  Archangel Feast Day,
I saw a ghost, aka a spirit being, walk out of the girl's bathroom stall,
as a solid person,
stepped then vaporize,
That shrink down & reach out like finders from a hand as it moved past the corner of a wall east towards the sinks.
On the digital recorder,
picked up clicking sound
   -•-, •••, ••-
that in Morse code, 11+19+21=51, that converts to 101,000,001 which also converts to binary code its 321 digital equivalent.
*(51 was the age I was baptized.)

321 link March 20, 2011 the date I was baptized.

Although, 3+2+0+2+0+1+1= 9 it could also be
3+2+1+1=7, & 7 is July.
& 11/02/33  my mom's DOB is 1,1,2,3.... the beginning of the  Fibonocci's sequence.
Stopping at the 4th=#3  position then starting up at the 5th=#5 & 6th=#8 position gives the 7th position of #13.
1, 1, 2, 3 = my mom DOB by number & postion.
5, 8, 13 = my DOB in addition & position.



My mom had Post Partum Depression and had shock theropy which left her with PRS, parental refrigerator syndrome. Meaning she did not bond with me at my birth. Hence, I was ghosted throughout my life by her which parallels with the Archangel Feast Day Ghost Sighting & code using both our DOB, dates of birth, as proof, to me, as an ADC, After Death Communication.

I'm a retired communication technician, born on Archangel Gabriel's Synesis, 7+13+60=80.
...Torch the eight 90° CCW to get the infinity sign,
& you have forever & nothing, the end & beginning or as a palendrone, 80=08, the beginning and the end.

Mathematics are the universal language of this communication.
Using the archangel feast day Ghost's code 101,000,001 binary digital equivalent 321.
321 / 102 = π = 3.1470+.
2 x 3.1470+ x 321,
= 2020.411+. the 102 day of that year and PASSOVER.

Passover & my mom's PPD, Post Parted Depression are both the actions of being ghosted.

I asked God, "Prove it?"
...three classes of proof, existence argument:
the ontological, the cosmological, and the teleological.
*ONTOLOGICAL concept  existence & necessity of being.
*COSMOLOGICAL, in natural theology, is an argument which claims that the existence of God can be inferred from facts concerning causation, explanation, change, motion, contingency, dependency, or finitude with respect to the universe or some totality of objects.
*TELEOLOGICAL. Observation & existence of a designer.

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